Wednesday, March 5, 2014

421 weeks remaining....

Happy Ash Wednesday everyone!

This week I have been thinking more about what happens when I’m too old or tired to keep moving, and how that translates to what type of RV I should get. Spending $150k on a RV is not an option, though I do like the ability to pull in somewhere and just head to the bedroom and sleep without having to get out in the elements and unhook a trailer.

I’m not sure how I will be able to wait the full 8 years, I’m so excited to get out of the rat race. The only thing stopping me from leaving today is money. I have to wait until the house has increased in value and I have saved the all the money I can. I don’t want to end up having to work a “real “job again.  I am looking forward to work camping and meeting new people.

Question to all of you: How much did you save or think you would need to fulltime without working for 10 years? That’s how many years I need to be able to support the wife and myself before we start getting social security.


  1. We didn't retire until we were getting our social security. But there are a lot of ways to cut down on your costs of RVing. Work camping is a good way. We have friends who work at Amazon during the Christmas season to subsidize their travel. Others who work at Adventureland in Iowa in the summer. Lots of opportunities. You can work the beet harvest in Montana. The list is almost endless when you really start looking. One of the problems a lot of folks have - including us - was when we first started out we thought we needed to see everything all over the country. That cost us a fortune. Now we pick an area of the country we want to explore, travel to that area and spend a month or two in one spot. Much cheaper to pay for a campground by the month. Along the way There are so many places to just spend the night without having to pay for a campground. RV maintenance (whether it's a motor home or a fifth wheel or travel trailer with truck) is going to be a big expense. Hopefully you can do a lot of the work yourself like Jim. And don't be afraid to ask for help when you're in a campground. The guys love to be of assistance. Some folks have a huge budget for travel, most of us are pretty limited but that's okay. Still wouldn't trade it for anything.

  2. We have a business and will be taking it mobile on the road within the next year hopefully. We plan to start local (we're in Sacramento, CA) and then grow it in time to the surrounding states. Eventually we'll sell our home and buy a toy hauler/350 dually combo. I hope to be FT for a great number of years. Mt blog is Stop by and leave a comment...


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